Demikian semoga bermanfaat.
Adjie Gumarang Pujakelana 2014
Contoh 7
% Draw the lines at multiples of pi/12
\foreach \ang in {0,...,31} {
\draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang * 180 / 16:4);
% Concentric circles and radius labels
\foreach \s in {0, 1, 2, 3} {
\draw [lightgray] (0,0) circle (\s + 0.5);
\draw (0,0) circle (\s);
\node [fill=white] at (\s, 0) [below] {\scriptsize $\s$};
% Add the labels at multiples of pi/4
\foreach \ang/\lab/\dir in {
1/{\pi/4}/{above right},
3/{3\pi/4}/{above left},
5/{5\pi/4}/{below left},
7/{7\pi/4}/{below right},
6/{3\pi/2}/below} {
\draw (0,0) -- (\ang * 180 / 4:4.1);
\node [fill=white] at (\ang * 180 / 4:4.2) [\dir] {\scriptsize $\lab$};
% The double-lined circle around the whole diagram
\draw [style=double] (0,0) circle (4);
\fill [fill=red!50!black, opacity=0.5] plot [domain=-pi/2:pi/2] (xy polar cs:angle=\x r,radius= {2-2*sin(\x r)});
\draw [thick,color=red,domain=0:2*pi,samples=200,smooth] plot (xy polar cs:angle=\x r,radius= {2-2*sin(\x r)});
\node [fill=white] at (2,1) {$r=2-2\sin\theta$};
Contoh 8
\fill [fill=Tomato, opacity=0.75] plot [domain=-pi/2:pi/2] (xy polar cs:angle=\x r,radius= {2-2*sin(\x r)});
\draw [thick,color=Tomato,domain=0:2*pi,samples=200,smooth] plot (xy polar cs:angle=\x r,radius= {2-2*sin(\x r)});
\node [fill=white] at (0,0.75) {\fontsize{.5cm}{1.95cm}\selectfont$r=2-2\sin\theta$};
Contoh 9
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
axis x line=middle, % put the x axis in the middle
axis y line=middle, % put the y axis in the middle
axis line style={<->,color=blue}, % arrows on the axis
xlabel={$x$}, % default put x on x-axis
ylabel={$y$}, % default put y on y-axis
domain=-pi/2:pi/2, % The range over which to evaluate the functions
xtick={-1,...,1}, ytick={-1,...,1}, % Tick marks only on integers between -1 and 1
axis lines=middle, % Axis lines go through (0,0)
enlargelimits=true, % Make the axis lines a bit longer than required for the plots
samples=101, % Number of samples for evaluating the functions (use an odd number to capture the (0,0) point
xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$, % Axis labels
clip=false % So the labels aren't cut off
\addplot [thick, IndianRed]
( {sqrt(2) * sin(deg(x))},
{abs(sin(deg(x*2)))} )
node [pos=0.8, anchor=south] {$f(x) = |x|\sqrt{2-x^2}$}; % Add a text node at 80% of the plot length
\addplot [thick, SeaGreen]
( {sqrt(2) * sin(deg(x))},
{-abs(sin(deg(x*2)))} )
node [pos=0.8, anchor=north] {$f(x) = -|x|\sqrt{2-x^2}$};
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Terima Kasih , Mohon Maaf keluar dari Topik
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